Workshops Track

ICWE 2025 is inviting proposals for high-quality workshops to complement its scientific program. Workshop topics should fall within the broad area of Web Engineering, but we specifically welcome workshops tackling novel, cutting-edge topics as well as workshops covering focused Web Engineering sub-areas, and cross-disciplinary workshops. The workshop organizers are highly encouraged to include interactive and hands-on working sessions, as well as account for the theme of ICWE 2025: “The Inclusive Web: Realizing Safe, Accessible, Inclusive, and Sustainable Web Engineering”.
The organizers of approved workshops are responsible for advertising their workshops, collecting papers, managing the review process, making accepted papers available to workshop participants (e.g., workshop website), and collecting the camera-ready copies and copyright forms of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with formatting rules). Organizers are expected to be present to attend, run, and manage their workshops. Conference facilities such as meeting rooms, wireless Internet and meals will be provided by the local organizers.
Workshop proposals are submitted via easychair ( in “ICWE 2025 Workshop” Track) and should include the following information:
General Information
- Title of the workshop
- Organizers and primary contact (name/affiliation/email)
- Abstract (200 words), intended for the main ICWE conference website
- Expected length of the workshop (full day, half day)
- Relationship with the ICWE community
- Plans for advertising the workshop, making the workshop visible to the community, and attracting wide participation
Objectives, Topics and Size
- Goals of the workshop
- Workshop topics
- Estimated number of participants.
- Format of the workshop (e.g., paper-based, discussion-based, invitation-based, work or hands-on sessions, or hybrid);
- Format of hands-on session(s) (demos, hackathon, brainstorming, discussions, case elaboration, etc.)
Previous Editions (if applicable)
- Links to previous edition websites
- Number of participants in previous editions
- Number of submissions received and accepted in previous editions
Organization Details
- Information about workshop organizers: names, addresses, affiliations, short bio, and name of the main contact person. (Including relevant past experience in workshop organization)
- For paper-based workshops, list of PC members and estimated number of submissions and of papers to be accepted.
- E.g. Workshop URL (if already known)
All dates are according to the time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12.
- Submission of proposals: February 14, 2025
- Notification of proposal acceptance: February 21, 2025
- Workshop paper submission deadline: April 19, 2025
- Notification deadline: May 11, 2025
- Workshop Day: June 23, 2025 (tentative)
- Post-proceedings camera-ready deadline: July 30, 2025
- Kari Systä, Tampere University, Finland
- Yen-Chia Hsu, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Questions about the ICWE workshops can be emailed to