Poster And Demo Track Call for Papers

The International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) is the premier annual conference on Web Engineering and associated technologies. ICWE aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines in academia and industry to tackle the emerging challenges in the engineering of Web applications, the problems of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture.
The track Demos and Posters of ICWE 2025 provides a unique forum for researchers and practitioners alike to showcase artifacts, present projects, discuss preliminary research results, find collaborators, and obtain feedback from members of the Web Engineering community.
Demonstrating artifacts
ICWE 2025 sees significant value in demonstrations and aims to provide visibility and a discussion forum for state-of-the-art technical solutions, implementation experiences, and recent research activities. The Demos track offers an exciting and highly interactive way of presenting and discussing artifacts of promising research. It is an excellent way of showcasing prototypes and the applicability of your research. Submissions about open-source software and commercial solutions are also welcome. Note that demonstrations should be brief so that they can be shown repeatedly. We particularly encourage demos with which attendees can interact. We evaluate the submissions based on both the novelty of the artifacts and the experience of the attendees.
Each paper should include a section describing the exact demonstration scenarios, which include how the audience will experience the demo, the artifact’s functionalities, user interface and interaction options, etc.
Presenting and demonstrating theoretical work (demonstration of concepts, theories and algorithms)
The Posters track invites researchers, practitioners, PhD students and others working in any area of Web Engineering, who want to present and demonstrate their theoretical work, to submit a poster of their research. We solicit submission of original research, as well as experience and vision papers from both researchers and practitioners. Like Demos, Poster contributions may address any topic that fits within the ICWE 2025 topics of interest.
Topics of interest (not exhaustively) include the following:
- Artificial Intelligence for Web
- Engineering Web applications with AI
- Responsibility in Web Technology
- Ethical and Human-Centric Web Engineering
- Web application modeling and engineering
- Web mining and knowledge extraction
- Web Big Data and Web Data Analytics
- Mobile Web applications
- Web of Things applications
- Social Web applications
- Web crowdsourcing and human computation
- Semantic Web, Web ontologies, and Linked Open Data applications
- Web composition and mashups
- Web User Interfaces
- Quality and accessibility aspects of Web applications
- Web security and privacy
- Web services, computing, and standards
- Microservice architecture for Web applications
- Cloud, fog, and edge computing for Web applications
- Liquid Software
- Isomorphic Software and Architectures
- Fairness of Web technology
- User Modelling and Recommender Systems based on Web technology
- Explainable Web technology
- Language models and ML for the Web
- Simulation of users with language models in Web technologies
- Generative AI / large language models and their impact on social web applications
- Large language models for web search
The submissions to the track Demo and Poster must include:
A description of the work (up to 4 pages in LNCS format including references) to be included in the proceedings of ICWE 2025. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use proceedings templates as instructed at . Submissions should be in PDF format.
Together with your submission, you are encouraged to include a URL that points to a preliminary version of the demo (e.g., screenshots, videos, or a running system), or a downloadable poster in PDF format (A0 size).
All submissions should go through EasyChair using the link: (and submit to the Posters & Demos Track).
Camera-ready versions of accepted Demos and Posters submissions will be published in the ICWE 2025 main conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted submission must register for the conference and present the work during the demos and poster sessions.
The final version of each accepted paper must strictly adhere to the LNCS guidelines ( ) and must include a printable file of the camera-ready version as well as all required source files (either MS Word or Latex). No changes to the LNCS formatting rules are permitted. Authors of accepted papers must also download and sign a copyright form that will be made available in due time.
Authors should explicitly disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in their manuscripts when these tools are employed for more than just editing the author’s text. This disclosure can be made through a statement at the end of the manuscript, preceding the References section.
If we notice that a submission utilizes large language models (LLMs) without clear disclosure, such papers will be subject to immediate desk rejection. However, if such technologies are not used, no disclosure statement is required.
River Publishers will sponsor the ICWE 2025 Best Demo Award which will be announced during the ICWE 2025 Banquet.
All dates are according to the time zone “Anywhere on Earth”, i.e., UTC-12.
- Poster/demos submission deadline: April 9, 2025
- Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2025
- Camera-ready deadline: May 6, 2025
- Ines Arous (Mila – Quebec AI Institute, Canada)
- Sihang Qiu (State Key Laboratory of Digital-Intelligent Modeling and Simulation, China)
Questions about the ICWE workshops can be emailed to